Pinctada Spaces

Your Personal Compass For The Future

We plan our working, family holiday days and all sorts of to do’s but then life goes its own way with our post-its and long-term goals and it happens to everyone that we feel a bit disoriented at times while guessing where we are at exactly.

The Pinctada Year Compass
gives you a personal preview in the upcoming energies in Your Life: when it comes to love, family, relationships, health, wellness and work projects. Every aspect gets a dedicated forecast of the most important upcoming energies in order to support you surfing through life while building your dreams brick by brick.

What it is not:

This Compass isn’t an astrological forecast, nor a card reading or a list of predictions of future events. 

What you may expect:

The Pinctada Compass is an extensive supporting experience which will guide you through the year as an ally in every aspect of your life.

The booklet you will receive is divided into 4 sequences and phases, each and everyone of them packed with supporting advice, tips and specific visualisations of what you may expect coming your way. The forecast is meant to empower you to align yourself with your highest true self in all areas of your life so that you know how to navigate obstacles and set backs. Furthermore, when the wind blows and the river flows, you will know the direction and most of all at which position you are right now. This tool tells you how to go from A to B and how to stay focused on your objectives and on the best version of yourself in matters of the heart, in wellness and when it comes to money.

What you get is a unique personal in-depth manual for the year ahead. A highly personal energy report, so you will.

The compass helps you to energetically be aligned with your highest self and to "surf the waves of life" in a positive way.

The Pinctada Year Compass is a personal energy report.

  • The gift comes in a beautifully lay-outed PDF + a 20 minutes long audio which you can print & bind for delivery or which you can send in a print-friendly version to the person you are buying for. We can send it digitally directly to the person you are buying a present for, if it’s a gift to someone else than you.
  • The Pinctada Year Compass takes 10 days to be delivered digitally to the inbox you will have stipulated.
  • This Compass can be requested for yourself or somebody else.
  • If you are going through a though financial time, you can request a 20% reduction. We select from these requests as many as possible. [If you’d like to pay something more to help someone who can’t afford it, you can donate a free amount and pay it forward.]
  • We don’t need a birthday or address, just the real full name of the person and the approximate age.
  • If there is a specific question or topic to look into, you are welcome to point that out before we start.
  • It’s advisable to ask the person whom you are gifting The Pinctada Compass for his or her approval as we are looking into other people’s energies.
  • All information will only be shared once and then deleted from our device permanently to guarantee total discretion and privacy

The printable booklet covers every area of your upcoming year. 

The Pinctada Year Compass is a unique instrument which is tailor-made. It is the most personal and empowering gift to yourself or to somebody you care for.

A suitable moment in life, a milestone or a rite de passage to order a Compass is

    • a birthday 
    • during a difficult time
    • for any kind of anniversary and celebration
    • for a wedding
    • for a retirement

This distinctive gift EMPOWERS you throughout every month of the year and works like a shining torch on the path in front of you. You will feel guided step-by-step with a paramount focus on your goals, with re-gained clarity and thus stress-free.

More than once people go back to their compass to add notes and additional information, dreams, signs, memories, or just to feel the support of the forecast and to understand better the symbols and drawings which remain mysterious before the time itself has arrived and they fall into place at the right moment.

The booklet typically counts 12 pages, is divided into 4 sequential sections representing the phases -the personal seasons if you will- of the year, independently of the climate you live in. 

A certain personal season can be as long as a week or 6 months, that is something which can vary from person to person.

The information reveals the upcoming energies for the many areas of your life and how to turn obstacles into gateways. 

You receive in this fashion a preview of the best way to move forward in alignment with your soul and based on the highest positive version of your present self.

A Pinctada Compass highlights the path to break the waves and make the best out of any situation. It offers support and road signs in the shape of power animals, spirit guides, symbols, visions, wisdom and energy medicine best practices. 

The audio that goes with your exclusive booklet is there to read you through every detail and to add some explanation. Clients say it is comforting to listen to as if it were a warm bowl of fresh parsley soup in the midst of winter.

Along the written pages of the perceived foresights and along the supporting images, some blank spaces are intentionally left open for you to take notes as the year goes by. By doing so, you will bring this roadmap to life and it becomes a personal historic document.

A magical side-effect of the Pinctada Compass happens to be an increasing connection with one’s intuition and inner voice. If you might need a reinforcement or an energy cleanse with some of the revealed shadows, it will be an aspect for which further assistance can be provided too.

Discover your hidden powers to navigate through life

Request Your Pinctada Year Compass here.

We will reach out to you in a few hours in order to finalise the details for the payment. 
We need the real name of the person. 

"This gift is more than I had expected it to be...! I have read the Pinctada Compass several times a year when facing a roadblock or because I remembered that a specific sign had been described in the personal booklet with tips on how to navigate it."
woman, portrait, model-1995624.jpg
"I'd like to buy another one for my best friend's birthday!"
Shop Owner
This is very comprehensive, something to go back to any time necessary. It is as if it adds layers along with the weeks of the year passing by. Marvellous experience and really helpful.
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